Memory Lane #7

Protector Beings

While in France in ’97 I suffered a rather debilitating heart attack. No insurance and no French language. I made it back to the US and imposed on a long time friend and his wife. Two days after my return another friend had her first child. Three days later I called to congratulate her and she told me the baby had literally not stopped crying. I told her I would check and see if I could do anything.

When I went in I found a rather angry, rather large Mind who was trying to fit into the far too small body. The mortal body was responding to the anger and the lack of presence. I somewhat soothed the Mind and suggested a couple of possibilities to resolve the situation. I got that it would take about another 5 hours before all would be okay. And, so it was. Since then I’ve learned that there are Protector Beings who make it their work to not only protect mother and child but to assign ‘attributes’ to each child – skills, talents, intelligence, etc. If I came across a similar situation today I would attempt to contact them and negotiate resolution.

There are religions and philosophies which attempt to explain who gets what, and why. Personally I think they are all too limited. But I haven’t spent much time around babies. I was once told that being around pregnant women or new borns will quickly dampen fear. The Protector Beings project safety and love. But that explanation feels too simple. While I have experienced some of that ‘peace’ I’m also aware of many difficulties and disappointments.

Of course I don’t have ‘the’ or even ‘an’ answer. I do have another experience I will share under the working title A Talking Head and 2 Globes .


Memory Lane #6

On-site Training

Circa 1980 I was working as an Advertising Manager for a large bank in CA. My boss’ boss’ boss’ secretary wanted to get into marketing so she was assigned as my assistant. Fortunately she was psychic.

I had been active in the New Age movement for about 6 years. I didn’t hide it, nor did I proselytize. My new assistant and I quickly formed a good working relationship which was fortunate for me when my conscious mind suddenly left for school. I had pursued extensive Monroe Institute  training so I had some experience with out-of-body consciousness but it had never interfered with my mortal life employment. Then one day I was gone.

For six days I was in training someplace else. During evenings and the weekend I was just out with no need to be aware of my mortal activities. During the work days my assistant followed me around. I was attending, and conducting, meetings with no memory of anything. I would be back for about one hour each day and we would discuss what actions were needed.

I also had little memory of the training wherever I was going. I was aware of others in the class. I was aware of a metal-like table where I spent most of my somewhat conscious time. I assume I graduated from the training. At least the next day I was back to the usual work grindstone.  This experience resurfaced in my professional life a few years later — another Memory.

In retrospect I still don’t know if I wasn’t aware of the training because of fear, or because I didn’t really want to be bothered, or I wasn’t ready to act on the info, or something completely different. It was just one more interesting experience.


Memory Lane #5

The Gift of a Stick

For about a week I kept getting messages that I was to start a meditation group. I had grandiose visions of 200 people. I contacted a couple of friends who I thought might be interested. Tried meditating with them. It didn’t work. I was giving up the grandiose projections.

I moved to a different home and invited a couple of new people. This 3-person combination worked but we didn’t know the purpose. We committed to 1 meditation per week for 6 weeks. Then we found our purpose. We opened up a channel for a flock of white butterfly bandage shaped Beings to enter 3D space. They would fly around and do whatever for the duration of our meditation. Then we three would have cookies and agree to the next date/time.

We went 2 weeks beyond our original assignment and then were told it was complete. I didn’t think anymore about it until a few days later when the butterflies came back and gave me a present – a stick. I had no instructions or ideas of what to do with a yard-long stick, 18 inches of red and 18 inches of blue and pointed at both ends. I worried about it for a few days and gave up.

It was at least 3 years later the stick reappeared. I was doing some energy work on the Other side. There were 2 energy fields colliding with abrasive edges and someone had asked me (and probably others) to smooth it out. Insert stick and job done. I attempted to remove the stick to maybe use again. No. The stick stayed. My present had been used.

3 years earlier did the butterflies know that I was going to need that stick for that purpose? Or, did I, or someone, program the stick to fulfill a need at that moment? Does it matter?


Memory Lane #4

Memory Lane #4

Energy Vamps

Long before Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Twilight there were vampires. The ones I encountered didn’t suck blood. They consumed the energy of those around them.

The most obvious example I experienced was during a weekly class on metaphysics and energy manipulation. There were about 15 students. 14 were participating and 1 was sleeping. After the third class the teacher asked the sleeper to stop coming to class. The teacher explained that this ‘student’ was there only to charge her energies by tapping into ours. Not nice.

Around the same era I took a seminar where I learned to use a 3-person triangle to explore past lives/experiences. Three of us sat with our knees touching. The person whose back was to the North was mental. The person on the right experienced physical. The person on the left experienced emotional. All three were experiencing the same event from different perspectives. Then, of course, we shared our experiences for an interesting view of perspective.

Now comes the energy vamp part. During one particular scenario I was sitting in the mental chair. The experience was time-lined to the Russian Revolution. The woman to my left was experiencing a young White Russian noble woman attempting to leave Russia. I played the part of the sea captain who took all of her jewels for passage out of the country. She was left in poverty and misery.

The woman to my left blamed me. She demanded an apology during and after the seminar. She wanted repayment – in energy. She followed me around during class break. She was still in poverty in this life and blamed the sea captain – me. She would gladly have drained me if I, and the teacher, had allowed it. I never saw her again, thankfully.

Vamps come in all sizes, shapes and ages but at the core want just one thing – your energy. When I was working as an energy healer I developed a technique for dealing with this problem. I called it ‘cording’. It goes on all the time. More about that in another post.


Memory Lane #3

Memory Lane #3

First Hypno

Someone gave me the name of a psychic I should go see. I don’t remember what she told me but I got enough that I went back. The second time she asked if she could do a light hypnosis. Almost always up for new experiences I acquiesced. Instead of exploring something immediately relevant to me she sent me off to Venus and then inside Mt. Shasta.

Venus was really hot, at least that was what science had told me so maybe it was a projection. There were numerous eitheral form beings moving around on and above the surface. I didn’t interact with them. Then she sent me inside Mt. Shasta – a reputed UFO base. I was mouse size among large furniture and books. I didn’t see any beings or UFO craft. I looked into one open book but didn’t recognize the language. The place felt deserted, or at least unoccupied.

The psychic seemed somewhat disappointed. Me too. But I still paid her and saw her again a couple more times before she dropped off the radar. At the time she was probably late 50s/early 60s. A mutual friend told me later that she had fallen in love with a younger man. Attempting to create and hold the relationship she used her power and energy to be younger. She burned out and died. Unfortunate.


Memory Lane #2

Memory Lane #2

First time

I grew through 8th grade as an only child on a small farm in the Midwest. My ‘imaginary’ friends lasted much longer than usual. I didn’t consider them imaginary – they just were there. Then I became a hormone driven teenager.

Next stop is my first job after college. I was hired because my boss wanted a student to mentor in things metaphysical. Once a week we went to lunch and he told me of Theosophy and of the Rosicrucians. Before he got fired, for loading the sales figures to insure his psychic’s prediction of new job, he introduced me to the Rosicrucian Fire Experiment (his capitals, not mine – I never really succumbed to the need to prove things).

I’m not going into the specifics of the Fire Experiment (I don’t want the liability). Suffice it to say that my face was lighted from beneath with the image in a mirror in a very dark room. The face changes – presumably into views of past lives. It seemed to work. My boss and I tried it together – one standing back to look in the mirror at the subjects face. We saw the same images. Nothing spectacular – just faces. I was one handsome Neanderthal.

After running this Experiment a few times I was beginning to see other faces when I looked in the mirror to shave. That was inconvenient. My boss got fired. I went to his psychic and was told to get out of town. Soon I got my discharge from the Army Reserves, quit my job and moved to San Francisco.

There I followed my hormones for about 5 years and then life changed. No near death experiences, etc. Just one day instead of pursuing alcohol and sex I was pursuing astrology, Buddhism, Reiki, past life regressions, psychics, etc. etc. etc. In retrospect I realize I had been setup and then the switch was flipped. The adventure began.



Memory Lane #1

Memory Lane #1


Thinking about the Universe, about GOD, about Enlightenment, about Meditation are all interesting/fun pastimes. But if you are limited to ‘thinking’ you are missing the largest part of perception. Experience expands and expounds thinking. Experience is the interacting and application of thought. And, communication is essential to experience, at least in my experience.

In ‘Texan, Part 3’ of this blog I told of Gary who reclaimed himself by telling me his life story over 3 hours. In writing ‘Memory Lane’ I realized that I was doing the same thing. I am reclaiming myself; reclaiming the progression of identity as I moved from wearing someone else’s clothes, to changing my wardrobe several times, to working my way toward nudity.

Don’t worry, you aren’t going to be seeing any naked me pictures. The ‘Memory Lane’ posts are stories of things that actually happened to me, at least my perception of my current memory of the then perceptions. I don’t exaggerate. I think the events are strange enough as is. The post sequence, except for the first 3, is whimsical instead of chronological.

I hope readers of this blog gain information that may help them see and/or pursue opportunities. Sometimes the Beings of Other minds use hammers and sometimes feathers to get our attention. May this blog be a feather. If you pay attention to hammers that is what they will use. Convince them you are aware of feathers.

Don’t know why I was given all of these tasks/opportunities. Wish I had been smart enough to ask more questions along the way. I know I’ve been a tool for several Beings from the Other side. I just keep doing what is in front of me, and assume I will until…

Two realizations I encountered while considering/writing ‘Memory Lane’; 1) how the spiritual topics have changed (progressed/evolved?) over the years, and 2) how social media has created instant identities; perhaps causing a loss of stable, long-term identities. Is that the reason so many seek Ascension? Is this evolution or just seeking change in hopes of finding ourselves.

I’ll attempt to deal with those topics in a post outside the ‘Memory Lane’ theme.


Were you born, projected, or… ?

My current limited vu perceives thoughts turning into forms, turning into structures, and occasionally turning into people. At least for this blog post I’m using ‘people’ as any self-aware consciousness – birds, bees, flora and fauna. All the things that once-upon-a-time were somebody’s thought-form.

If my current limited vu is even close to right then we so called ‘humans’ are a thought-form even before fetus. But whose? A) Perhaps an Ancient One who needs a particular set of hands or mind set. B) Perhaps an already conscious self who wants a new experience. C) Perhaps we are the projection of our biological parents. D) Some, many things beyond my limited vu. Even if it’s A or B we are probably still going to get an overlay of C.

So what are we born into? Thought-forms, more thought-forms, everywhere thought-forms. Potty training, school programming, social programming, cultural programming – govt, religion, language, money, power, various medias – the great Mortal Human Collective. Can we think beyond the programming, outside the box; can we perceive inside our own minds? How do we, can we, translate experience? So many questions to consider, so few answers.  Even less certainty.

As each of us buy into our programmed thought-forms we add more power, focus and definition. We are part of the thought-form that created us and those that programmed us. Yes, we may slowly change it but there is a distinct probability that even the changes are somebody else’s thought. There does appear to be an active hierarchy of Overseers directing, and participating with, the Earth, Solar System and etc., etc. If we are lucky they don’t know our name.

As we achieve independent mind status through exploring our programmed thought-forms we may have the opportunity to join various ‘clubs’. There are friends, Group Minds (individual minds who choose to join together for a particular purpose or task but can move freely in and out of the Group) and there are Composite Minds (individuals who subsume their personality to a single mind with intent or purpose). It may be easiest to relate to this structure by looking at your own Guides.

Some humans don’t have independent Guides. These humans usually spend their lives supporting one of the thought-form programs – govt, religion, etc. Some humans have a single, individual Guide. Frequently these individual Guides form associated groups to accomplish certain programming of the guided mortal human. Sometimes these associated groups form Group Minds with a central group of Guides with ongoing responsibilities for ‘their’ human. I’m not aware of any formal Composite Minds acting as Guides – a true Composite Mind would devour one of us tiny humans.

So What!!! Just something to think about. There are other labels for what I call ‘thought-forms’ and ‘Composite Minds’ and ‘humans’ etc. It is a question of how you see creation.

Enough. I will probably revisit this topic later – it’s too much fun, for me, to ignore. Look forward to hearing your opinion(s).


Does the Universe know I’m alive?

Have you introduced yourself? There is a Universal Knowledge System (UKS) that looks and works much like Wikipedia. It is also about as accurate. Anyone can contribute and there is probably information about most of us included. The downside is that, like Wikipedia, false/misleading information can be inserted.

At least with the UKS the contributor must leave a signature and can be traced, or so I’m told. Some form of punishment is applied, for misleading or mischievous information. Even with that caveat the UKS is a snapshot look at what is now and, with extrapolation, what may become. I’ve never met a Being who claimed omnipotence; who claimed to be able to see all contributing factors and ramifications to complex actions/activities. There are layers of factors, influences and Beings who have other agendas and probably have no idea we exist as individuals.

So how does a psychic predict our future? How does astrology anticipate our actions and feelings? A good intuitive/psychic can pick up on our patterns and probabilities. Then they, and we, interpret them through perception, anticipation and hopeful thinking. Astrology is an arena of constantly shifting influences. Even long-term, basic alignments are impacted by layers of thought, intention, action and agendas. We are told our Solar System is traveling at some 514,000 mph through a galaxy of additional influences. Would anyone’s predictions be right if we didn’t believe them, work to make them happen, or at least want them to be true. And the dance goes on.

It’s all a fun, and sometimes educational, game. At least that is today’s limited vu. I may rethink the whole post tomorrow. Or not. INJOY